Computer vision syndrome, also referred to as digital eyestrain, encompasses a group of vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and smartphone use. With the average worker spending seven to eight hours a day on a computer, that’s a lot of screen time.
CVS can cause a number of problems for workers, including headaches, eyestrain, blurry vision, dry eyes, and neck & shoulder pain. Poor lighting, screen glare and improper viewing distance can contribute to these issues. So can poor posture and uncorrected vision problems.
Fortunately, many of these issues are only temporary and will stop when the worker is no longer using the computer or device. However, some people may continue to experience problems, such as blurred vision, even when no longer using a screen device. If nothing is done to address the cause of the problem, the symptoms will continue to recur and perhaps worsen with future digital screen use.